Join us for worship in person or online every
Sunday at 10:30
4300 16th Street, NW, Washington, DC 20011
Phone: 202-829-9400
Email: gracelcdc1876@gmail.com
We are a congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), a Christian denomination of 4 million members. The ELCA heritage arises out of the Protestant Reformation begun by Martin Luther in 1517. You can learn more about the ELCA at www.elca.org.
We follow a traditional Lutheran liturgy complimented by the musical gifts of our choir and organist. We use hymns, prayer, and readings from Scripture and celebrate Holy Communion. All baptized Christians are invited to receive Communion, which we believe to be the body and blood of Jesus Christ. If you are not baptized, or do not desire to receive Communion, we are honored to give you a blessing.
Grace is a Reconciling in Christ congregation, which means that we welcome all people, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity.
Please come as you are and dress however you’re most comfortable.
We want to get to know you! Please sign our guest book in the entrance to the church and include your contact information. Sign up to receive our weekly email (at the bottom of this page) so we may keep in touch. Our congregation is very friendly and many people will greet you! The pastor will be happy to tell you more about our Lutheran Christian faith and about Grace church.

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