Welcome to Grace on this Second Sunday of Christmas! Within the gospel reading’s profound words lies the simple message that God is revealed in a human person. Though we may try to understand how the Word existed with God from the beginning of time, the wonder we celebrate at Christmas is that the Word continues to dwell among us. Christ comes among us in the gathered assembly, the scriptures, the waters of new birth, and the bread and the wine. Through these ordinary gifts we receive the fullness of God’s grace and truth.



Our Grace Church family, Catherine Woods died on December 22, 2024 at 9:30 AM in Virginia. We are saddened by her loss, and our hearts go out to her. Please pray for her family during this difficult time. The detailed information about the funeral services will be informed later.

 Gifts of Hope - Alternative Gift Giving

A wonderful alternative to traditional gift giving is Gifts of Hope.  Even though this program is now available year-round, Christmas is a special time to remember someone you care about and do something for the good of all.  You can find out more at their website  and there is printed material available in the narthex.  Even though this is no longer done through the congregation, we would love it if you shared with us that you participated.  Just send an email to Pastor Susanne or Marylou.


Living Lutheran

Living Lutheran magazine is returning to publishing print editions, four times a year. The cost will be $19.95 and you can sign up at www, or call 1 800 328 4648. This magazine is an excellent way to keep up on Lutheran news and resources.


Please join us for Bible study Wednesday evenings. We are looking at the gospel of Luke, which is the source of most of our gospel readings for the next year. Contact Pastor Susanne with any questions and to get the on-line link or 202 422 4348


Now that our organist, Malou Rogers is getting settled in and getting to know us, she will be including a postlude at the end of each service.  This is a wonderful opportunity to enter into a contemplative time before going out into your week.  Please consider staying for the postlude rather than moving around and potentially distracting others and or being disrespectful to the music.


Be sure to check the Grace website at You will be seeing the weekly announcements and links to Grace's Facebook page and You Tube channel. The council approved using, the online giving service for those who would like to give electronically. Simply select Giving on the website and a form will appear to walk you through the process.


I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and New Year. There will be a lot to do in 2025!!  Pastor Susanne is taking a week off but will be back on January 12.


Welcome to Pastor Sarah Garrett-Krey who is preaching this Sunday. Pastor Sarah is the Assistant to the Bishop for Candidacy and Mobility.  She has been working with our Call Committee which is keeping her very busy. There is an opportunity to meet her at the coffee hour immediately following our worship.


Next Sunday, we will have the installation of the 2025 Council and the first council meeting of 2025.


Our prayers are with the family of Catherine Woods who passed away on December 22.  John, Musamani and Pala, please know that you have family here who cares for each of you.


The search for a Pastor is well on the way. The Mission Statement that tells the Synod our mission priorities has been submitted to the Bishop's office. The Synod will review the statement and provide a list of potential Roster candidates to the Call Committee. The Call committee will review the list and after consultation will make a recommendation to the Council. There will be a congregation meeting to finally call a pastor.


One of the Missions of Grace Lutheran Church supports is Loaves and

Fishes, every other month on the first Saturday we serve lunch at

Loaves and Fishes. The need for a free meal is more acute on

weekends, when most free meal programs in Washington are closed.

Since the Pandemic box lunches are handed out to the guests. We

invite you to volunteer when you are available to pack the lunches,

between 8:30 AM and 11:00 AM.

The yard sale supports this mission.

The council approved using an online giving service for those who would like to give electronically. We are using  Simply select Giving on the website and a form will appear to walk you through the process.

Have something to share with the Grace Gram?

If you have additions or updates to the prayer list, a significant anniversary, birthday, or other special events that you wish to share with the congregation, please call the church office at (202) 829-9400, or e-mail to so that they may be included in the Grace Gram.

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