Welcome to Grace on this Third Sunday in Lent! The warnings are plentiful and blunt on the third Sunday in Lent. Cut it out or get cut down! The warnings are accompanied by God’s invitation to attentiveness: “Incline your ear, and come to me; listen, so that you may live.” The landowner’s ultimatum is forestalled by the gardener’s readiness to till the ground one more year. That is good news for all of us. Thanks be to God!
Please join us for Bible study Wednesday evenings. We are looking at
the gospel of Luke, which is the source of most of our gospel readings
for this year. We will not meet Ash Wednesday or during Holy Week.
Contact Pastor Susanne with any questions and to get the on-line link scblume@gmail.com or 202 422 4348.
The updated 2025 Church Directory is now available! Pick up your copy from the Narthex or the church office.
Spring Clean Up
April 12
Palm Sunday
April 13
Maundy Thursday
Thursday April 17
In person at noon
Rebroadcast at 7:00 PM
Easter Sunday
April 20
We will have a coffee hour after church on Easter Sunday. We hope you can join us and ask that you bring a dish to share. Please let Laura Boyd know what you would like to bring and whether or not it needs to be heated. (You can text or email Laura)
We will be celebrating the 150th anniversary of Grace from August 2026 to August 2027. Planning for this major event in the life of the church needs to start soon. We invite anyone who might be interested in being part of the planning to let Marylou know that you would like to help.
Be sure to check the Grace website at www.graceelcadc.org. You will see the weekly announcements and links to Grace's Facebook page and YouTube channel. The council approved using Tithe.ly, the online giving service for those who would like to give electronically. Simply select Giving on the website and a form will appear to walk you through the process.
Thank you to Malou for her work on the Lenten music. It is beautiful and appropriate for the season. Please join the choir in singing the Kyrie, the Canticle of Praise and the Create in Me specifically. Also note that the Create in Me Music is one Malou’s original compositions.
This week our Property Committee is working on a replacement for our hot water heater. It has seen its last drop of water and needs to be replaced.
Please join us for a small coffee hour in the lounge after worship today. Be sure to let Laura know what you can provide for our Easter Coffee. Let me know if you can help with the Spring Clean-up on April 12. April is going to be very busy.
The search for a Pastor is well on the way. The Mission Statement that tells the Synod our mission priorities has been submitted to the Bishop's office. The Synod will review the statement and provide a list of potential Roster candidates to the Call Committee. The Call committee will review the list and after consultation will make a recommendation to the Council. There will be a congregation meeting to finally call a pastor.
Grace Church Spring Yard Sale: Saturday, April 26, 2025 9:00 AM THRU 4:00 PM
Rain Date: May 24, 20259:00 AM THRU 4:00 PM
Grace Church Fall Yard Sale: Saturday, November 8, 2025 9:00 AM THRU 4:00 PM
In order to have both yard sales a success the Outreach Committee is requesting help to set up and break down on both days. Please feel free to contact Ms. Laura Boyd or Ms. Darlene Campbell.
One of the Missions of Grace Lutheran Church supports is Loaves and
Fishes, every other month on the first Saturday we serve lunch at
Loaves and Fishes. The need for a free meal is more acute on
weekends, when most free meal programs in Washington are closed.
Since the Pandemic box lunches are handed out to the guests. We
invite you to volunteer when you are available to pack the lunches,
between 8:30 AM and 11:00 AM.
The yard sale supports this mission.
Have something to share with the Grace Gram?
If you have additions or updates to the prayer list, a significant anniversary, birthday, or other special events that you wish to share with the congregation, please call the church office at (202) 829-9400, or e-mail to gracelcdc1876@gmail.com so that they may be included in the Grace Gram.

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